Second question: What's my best bet for OTA time-shifting kit? I am willing to buy a new HD Tivo, but the only issue with that is Battlestar Galactica. And I don't like paying for the guide. Are you still using the Mac Mini approach, Tom? I am willing to buy the BSG episodes from the iTunes store - are they in HD and how much are they each? I haven't installed iTunes yet, so I can't check. I hesitate to go with the full Linux-based MythTV setup, but if that is my only option I will consider it.

I am using the Mini still, and EyeTV on it is much better after a few patches. I haven't however recorded anything with it this season though, as I'm now moving down the path of just buying or renting the DVDs when the entire season is out. I haven't watched a single new show this season, and plan on catching Battlestar Galactica at the Alamo Drafthouse again.

As others have pointed out, the iTunes videos are not HD, they are DVD resolution in most cases. Odds are though with the whole NBC fiasco with iTunes, Battlestar Galactica won't be on the store this season, and the only online services that will have it will either be the free commercial supported IE required version, or the still Windows required Amazon service.

I think in general my experience has moved me into a mindset where I don't want to watch live TV, even if it is timeshifted to get rid of commercials. I just want to have the DVDs somewhere, and go through episodes at my own pace.