
I have a HDTV.
I have an OTA antenna.
I can theoretically get all major network stations (NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, PBS) at my location (using antennaweb)
I want to time-shift my shows.

My first question is: with the antenna I've purchased, how high should I get that above my roof to get a good signal? I'm going to get out there and wave it around for a bit first to see how the signal is, but can I mount it a bit below the roofline if the direction is correct?

I would definitely mount it *above* the roof line. But how far above, is best determined by experimentation, due to the way that UHF signals (most HDTV stations) propagate.

I would also put that antenna onto a rotor, which makes it much easier to determine the optimal pointing direction (it is a directional antenna, after all). An electronic rotor control might even allow something like MythTV to automatically rotate it to the best direction depending upon the channel being recorded (requires simple shell scripts + an IR blaster).
