"<ctrl-l>g dylan lyrics<return>"
On the other hand, I'm not sure most people will get this. I see every day people who have used Windows for ten years log in by moving their mouse, clicking in the username field, slowly moving to their keyboard, typing their username, moving to their mouse, moving the mouse, clicking in the password field, moving to their keyboard, typing their password, moving to the mouse, moving their mouse, clicking on the login button. It literally takes them like ten seconds just to get from Ctrl-Alt-Del to accepting their login info. My point being that some people are never going to acquire these skills, because they seem to have no idea how to acquire them on their own, and you can't force these types of skills into someone.
I think people have varying drives to efficiency - sometimes spending more time automating a task that they'll only carry out once than it would have taken to do it 'manually'. But I'm sure none of us have ever done this...
Running twin 30's