I actually spent the $25 on TiVo Desktop Plus, as before then it wouldn't even recognize any .avi files at all. I did manage to get it to recognize an MPEG-1 file, but, other than .tivo files, that was it. Once I upgraded to Plus, everything was recognized. That said, I still can't transfer a lot of things. Most prominently, I have some, uh, online backups of some British TV shows and they won't transfer. But other things seem to work fine.

My network setup is a little odd. I have a Squeezebox that's connected to my wireless network, which is then bridging its ethernet port to the wireless network, and I have the Series 3 connected to that. I was having some networking problems, but I changed some wireless config parameters on my access point, and those seem to be fixed now.
Bitt Faulk