Sorry to drag up an old thread, but they released Tivo Desktop 2.6 today. Here's the post I made on the Tivo community forums:

Wow, what a big disappointment.

I too couldn't make heads nor tails of the whole "webcast" thing, and Tivo has absolutely no information of it on their site. Like others have said, I gather that the extent of it is that you can set up another podcast catcher, and now Tivo Desktop has a way to auto-transfer files in folders you specify. That's a pretty sneaky way to claim that you support RSS feeds.

But it doesn't matter. I was happy to hear that they were going to open up and support a wider variety of formats. One of the main reasons I use pyTivo is because I watch the Totally Rad Show in high-def Quicktime, and I was optimistic that I would be able to just have a single program to do all my Tivo stuff. No such luck.

One of the reasons I moved to pyTivo in the first place was because Tivo Desktop kept failing on file transfers, and things were no different this time. The entire file was converted and transferred to the Tivo, but at the last moment there was a "transfer error" and the file was immediately deleted.

I'm not necessarily saying that this isn't my computer's or my network's fault, but I am saying that I've had a 100% success rate with pyTivo. Furthermore, I watched some of my video while it was transferring, and I have to say I wasn't pleased with the video quality. I don't know what settings Tivo Desktop was using for its conversion, but it looked a whole lot worse than it does when pyTivo converts it.

Bottom line: I'm still using pyTivo for all my TTCB needs.