That said, I still can't transfer a lot of things. Most prominently, I have some, uh, online backups of some British TV shows and they won't transfer. But other things seem to work fine.

What kind of errors are you getting? I've gotten a few different ones.

I have a slightly less odd network set up. My main PC is connected directly to my Airport Extreme, but the Airport then feeds into a Netgear powerline ethernet adapter, which talks to another on behind my home theater. I then have my Tivo and a networked DVD player connected on that end. I think there's a latency problem that screws up Tivo Desktop. I tried moving the PC I've set up for serving the Tivo downstairs so that it's also plugged into that Netgear powerline adapter (it has four ports), but I'm still getting some errors on transfers.

pyTiVo can convert some videos that don't work with TiVo Desktop Plus to the correct format for the TiVo.

Do you know if that will work with Tivo Desktop running at the same time?