I have two slightly conflicting comments.

First, there is (or used to be) regional variation in this sort of interaction.
In small towns in the South or Southwest, the normal social expectation was that you have a little bit of friendly chit-chat with a shop-keeper or clerk prior to checkout even if you've never met and will never see each other again.

I'd be amazed if I ever went into a boulangerie in France and you didn't have a little "Bonjour Madama...Bonjour Monsieur" type of exchange. It's a nice little social custom and norm. A little formal acknowledgment.

And I have no problem walking into a coffee shop and engaging in the equivalent "Good morning"-type ritual.

What I object to at the Stepford Coffee Company and so many other places is that these little friendly exchanges are stage managed. I have no doubt that they have a little 3-ring binder with tips on how to greet customers with heartwarming phrases like "How was your weekend?"

Worse, the androids are not programmed to do things like make eye contact before inflicting their pre-programmed catch phrases on customers.

It's not just huge coffee companies. It runs through most of the franchise food and service businesses that offer shitty service.

Deja Vu. I've ranted this rant before.

But now the disease is spreading. Even that little coffee shop is studying the Starbucks customer engagement manual.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.