Well, the obvious point to know about up front, is *who* owns/keeps the master copies of the images (negatives or RAW files)? That's important, as it determines whether future reprints will ever be possible in the event of fire/flood destroying your only printed copies..

Absolutely critical. This is one of the things I wasn't going to forget about but I'm glad you mentioned it anyway. I hadn't been thinking about it as a point of contention/arrangement as I kind of expected it was standard practice now. Might not be standard everywhere so I have to make a point of asking about it specifically.

Cris, I don't really know what style we're after. You see, I'm a non-committal type of guy in some respects (luckily this doesn't apply with women). I can't choose a favorite band, favorite style of music, favorite colour, etc... That's not to say I don't know what I like. I certainly do and perhaps like too many things/styles.

Lately I've seen some interesting contemporary and photo-journalistic examples. Of course I do quite like a lot of classic B&W stuff. The most impressive wedding photos I have ever seen in my life belonged to a friend from ATI. She and her husband went to Taiwan *BEFORE* they got married to take them. They looked like they were out of a movie or magazine. Excellent poses, lots of different clothes and settings, everything looked perfect. The printing and retouching were second to none, and the presentation of the finished product was spectacular in a bound book I've never seen in Canada before. It was also cheap if you don't count the airfare to Taiwan.
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