Whom ever put the "do not remove" sticker on that knockout wasn't even smart
enough to get it right side up. I'll bet there's just another breaker socket under it.

The sticker was probably put there for the initial installation, which generally requires
that a pair of (opposing) 120V legs be left unused for future (240V) expansion.

Oh, wait a minute.. I've figured this one out:

The blank slot covers are beside the 100A master breaker.
Which means there probably are NOT any usable slots under them.

So the panel is probably already maxed out, and to expand it
a subpanel is needed. And two circuits must move from the main
to the sub, in order to free two slots to connect the sub to the main.

Or just install a bigger panel, which will first require (code) a larger
mains service (eg. 200A) to be installed. I did all of this myself for our
house here many years ago, and it all passed inspection just fine.

If you took the cover off and posted a photo of the innards,
then we could tell for sure. Of course you may kill yourself
in the process, so try and use good judgement there.


Edited by mlord (01/12/2007 11:34)