The blank slot covers are beside the 100A master breaker.
Which means there probably are NOT any usable slots under them.

Do you think that the main breaker uses the whole of the hot bus bars' poles
and not just the left or right half like a "normal" breaker?

That's how his panel is labelled, anyway.

On the 200A panel I installed here, the top portion (clearly separate) is for the mains.
I began with a 100A breaker in there, which took up half of the space,
and then later (after I upgraded the outside service) replaced it with a 200A
breaker, which took up all of the space (both sides).

I'm guessing that his panel has a similar arrangement internally,
with both sides dedicated for the mains breaker, even if the existing
100A device is only using half of the space currently (pun intended).
