Also, connect a volt meter to the headlight socket and rev the motor. I'll bet the volts don't go over 15, but if they do, then it's the voltage regulator.

Motor off: 12 volts.

Motor starting: 15 volts, peaking slightly higher, like 15.2 or so.

Motor idling: 14.5 volts.

Motor revving: 14.7 volts.

Does that mean anything bad, or does it mean a normally operating vehicle?

All of the above was with vehicle working normally on all axes. For instance, the turn signals worked at normal speed.

Oddly, the lights are working right now. When we moved the car the other night and the lights didn't work, we *assumed* they'd burned out again, but they don't seem to have done so. It was a very cold day, and snowing, maybe that was a factor.

Do any of these data points help?
Tony Fabris