Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Have you been paying attention for the last eight years? Our civil liberties have been decimated. You can now be put in jail without habeas corpus recourse. We invade countries who have done nothing against us. (While ignoring the ones that have.) We torture enemies, all but openly. We do openly scoff at the Geneva Conventions. We resign from international environmental treaties. We have moved from being widely respected to widely disrepected internationally.

That, to me, shows that change can occur. I'd prefer it happen in the other direction.

One of the things that I really miss about my brief, dreamlike belief in Heaven is that you got to walk up to God's chaise lounge by the most excellent swimming pool and ask questions like;

"Hey, God, if (Clinton/McCain) had been elected instead of (Clinton/McCain), how much more quickly would they have shut down Guantanamo?"

Problem is, while God was able to tell me if Oswald was in fact the lone gunman, He wasn't able to answer this one.

"Too hypothetical!" God said.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.