Sure, but there are probably a million other people out there who would agree with you and Ralph on those same issues. Do you want them all running for President, too?

I detest the two party system, and would love to see better choices than what we have now. But, is throwing votes at Ralph Nader every time he decides to bite the apple and stoke his ego with a doomed presidential run really the right way to do it? Real change has to come from the bottom up, and I don't think Nader brings about any positive change with these presidential runs. He's definitely been an agent of change in other arenas, but when he runs for President, all he does is change the vote totals. He doesn't push candidates in any particular direction, he doesn't build a permanent coalition of people interested in improving the system, and he certainly doesn't have a shot of winning the election himself. Even if he did, he doesn't seem to pay too much attention to what he'd do if he got there.

Nader is the perfect candidate for a low-information voter who doesn't know anything other than that they hate the two major parties. He uses this to his advantage, erroneously suggesting both major parties bear equal responsibility for the myriad messes we're in. The Democrats do bear much responsibility, but to suggest the responsibility is equally distributed is irresponsible and factually incorrect.

On the other hand, if the Democratic nominee can't get past McCain and Nader after eight years of disastrous Bush policies, I have no sympathy whatsoever.
- Tony C
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