MoveOn has up a
petition asking the superdelegates to vote with the constituency. FWIW.
Cynic that I am slowing becoming, I have to wonder if they would have that petition up there if Obama was trailing.
But, OK, OK, I signed it anyway

I had some back-and-forth e/snail mail last year with Congressman Jay Inslee here in WA. He's not my rep, but I wanted to congratulate him on his efforts on behalf of Internet radio stations. How could I tolerate working on weekends if I couldn't crank 'em up? (OK, OK, I could bring the Empeg, but working on Sundays calls for soemthing *new*!)
I was surprised to see a few weeks back that he is Clinton's state campaign chair. I sent him an email last week asking if maybe he might change his mind. Pretty please. I don't hold out much hope there as I imagine it would be pretty tough to reverse course on a commitment like that. But then I saw that another WA superdelegate Senator Patty Murray -- one of the minority who voted "No" on October 11, 2002 -- had endorsed Clinton. So I guess I need to send her a "pretty please" letter, too. I don't get it. Couldn't she have just stayed uncommitted? Maybe it is the defense thing. Patty is pretty active in things like port security - checking all of those OCL and COSCO containers for plutonium.
OK, I want my prediction to be completely wrong. Mood swings.