Originally Posted By: andy
I'm interested to hear how you switchers cope with the basic annoying broken stuff on the Mac. Things like the fact that you can't resize windows on any edge/corner, the random behaviour of the maximise button in many apps or disappointing keyboard support in apps (even with the extra support turned on in the OS).

Overall, the benefits have outweighed the differences and quirks. Though I've been a switcher since 2001, so I can't comment on this from a recent standpoint. Resizing windows hasn't been a pain due to having only one spot to do it from. Generally I set a window size, and rarely adjust it. Maximize used to bother me when I was still in the full Windows mentality. But now that I work in a more windowed mode, I rarely use it, preferring to just size to what I want. I've found the Windows mode of maximizing the app to full screen really breaks down if you go to a multi monitor setup, or to a larger monitor (with 30 inch being on the extreme here). I find myself manually sizing windows and never maximizing them on Windows at work where I have a multimonitor setup, just to ensure I can always drag a window to the other monitor without first having to unmaximize.

Keyboard support, I find myself using it more on a Mac then I did on Windows. Instead of hitting some key combination to activate GUI elements and navigating via the keyboard, I just hit the hotkey associated with the action. Most apps are standardized in OS X, so I have less menu digging to do. Find is a perfect example. Command-F works to activate find in every app I use on OS X. Window, not so much. Outlook was different then notepad, and notepad was different then textpad default.

OS X is different, but I wouldn't say it is broken, anymore then Windows would appear broken to a long time Mac user.