Years ago the sheds next to my old house were used to store the barricades used in Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square to control the crowds at New Year.
Anyhow these barricades were made of 8x4 sheets of ply with whitewash thrown on them and some 4x2 nailed into place.
I liberated a few of these and used them in various projects - my favourite required me to clean a couple of sheets, belt sand the paint off them (both sides), sand them to a nice finish.... then start again after Mrs lbt reversed the TVR over *THE ONLY FINISHED* sheet and snapped it.
Eventually I routed the edges, built a frame, varnished, polished and installed them, and, for the last couple of years it's been my study table and side-desk where I'm sitting typing this post...
That's furniture with a heritage