First, I'm relatively certain this isn't an issue with upload speed necessarily, but rather, something strange is causing a very long timeout on each packet being sent in the upload.
Did you recently make any changes to the network settings of the PC (or run a utility that made changes for you) for the purposes of speeding up online DOOM games? I've heard of people who do those kind of tweaks having the kind of troubles you're describing.
To the best of my knowledge, I have made no changes to network settings. I was thinking that this was the first time I had tried to attach a photo since building the new computer, but a little research shows that I attached pictures back in December with this computer with no problems.
The only utilities I have run are a registry cleaner ("Registry Patrol") and a disk defragger ("Auslogics").
It seems odd that uploading through email works OK, but something is making the computer unhappy when it tries to upload to the bbs.
Another odd thing is that the local stereo shops have not been beating a path to my door to hire me as an installer. I guess the word about my installation just hasn't spread enough yet...
