Once upon a time, I might have said pooch gets a meal of steak a la strychnine, but as I've gotten older and calmer, i've found that it's better for everyone involved if I just talk to the people rationally then escalate to authorities.

I've been in a similar situation that resolved itself to my satisfaction: When living in an apartment, I got awakened at 6:30 each morning by the honking of a horn. Mommy dropped off baby at grandmas each day, two doors down, and honked and waved at baby through the window as she left. It got so that the sound of her car approaching was enough to wake me. One day I put on my robe and blocked her exit from the parking lot, confronting her about it politely. The following day she decided to be unreasonable an lean on the horn as she passed my house. So I took a stroll over to granmas and had a chat. Grandma was contrite, but when the horn happened on the third day, the landlord was paid a visit. The moving truck appeared that weekend. Seems the landlord did not take kindly to Grammy running an unlicensed daycare in the apartment...
Tony Fabris