Originally Posted By: DWallach
My next door neighbor at my old house had exact this: a very bright streetlight sort of thing that shone directly in our bedroom window. I bought "blackout blinds" (cellular blinds that have foil inside, so light simply doesn't get through). That was sufficient to make it livable from my bedroom, although it was far from ideal.

I did talk to my old neighbors about this several times. They basically weren't amendable to doing anything.

As a long-term measure, I planted some trees in the way, that would eventually have blocked the light. I sold the place before they got big enough to do much good. Next time I'm faced with something like that, I'll be bringing in bamboo or something else that grows really, really fast.

Now, I was just trying to come up with another generic "neighbor" problem that didn't involve harming any dogs. Dogs are some of my *favorite* people. Some of my best friends are dogs.

So, I guess it isn't about barking dogs or bright lights, but about what you do when confronted by a (neighbor or other) problem where you have a choice to be honest and frank as against taking less forthright action (when it looks like any other typical recourse through the law or regulation won't help). Certainly some of this has to do with your estimate of the "neighbors".

So, I am more curious, do folks identify with Pat or with Leslie?

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.