OK, take two. A bit contrived, no risk to any animals, and some loopholes closed with respect to legal recourse:

Pat: I can't take those mercury vapor security lamps anymore! Anytime soemthing as big as a field nmouse gets close to their property line, eighteen lights come on for 30 minutes! We used to be able to sit on our deck during the summer, but not anymore. It's like a baseball stadium! We lived here for 15 years before those rich louts moved in!

Leslie: I know, I know! When they come on at night they light up the whole bedroom. And the humming! But we can't close the windows in summer! I mentioned it to Jan (light-owning neighbor) and Jan said they had their designer look at the lights and they say everthing is within specification and county code.

Pat: Well, the county code is useless. It doesn't say anything about mercury vapor floodlights or light levels! Of course they just fall back on that lame "county code" thing!

Leslie: Well, Jan said they don't notice the lights that much and they don't see what the big deal is. Jan, said "It can't be bothering you *that* much! Get a life!"

Pat: Of course! The lights are pointed at *us* not *them*. It's too bad, but I think I'm just going to have to do something about the lights. I can think of a way to short the electrical feeds to the light poles that will just look like faulty wiring; That should knock the lights out until the end of summer at least!

Leslie: Pat, you can't do that! That is sneaky! It's dishonest!

Pat: And the alternative is what?

Leslie: Well, we could go over tomorrow evening and talk with them.

Pat: Well, they don't seem to think they are causing a problem, so I think the chances of them acknowledging our concern is probably zilch. What did Jan say? "Get a life"? Sheesh!

Leslie: No, I think if we are polite and make our points calmly, they'll understand. They have to! And if they continue to ignore this, we can tell them we're going to go talk with a lawyer and either get the county code changed or sue them.

Pat: The last initiative to change that part of the code failed and, the people on the county council are corrupt, and we'd probably have to sue! That could cost us 80 grand! Plus, if we go next door and make a big deal about this or if we file a complaint with the county, we're stuck! We *couldn't* knock out the lights then. And if anything bad happened by coincidence, they would just assume it was us and sic their lawyers on us. Thay have pleanty of dough for lawyers I say let's just keep this to ourselves and fix the problem without tipping our hand.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.