Archeon- I didn't mean the windows license. ISTR a suggestion that MS was trying to analyse your media files in order to determine if (in MS' opinion) they should be subject to DRM. As a result file copy operations and network transfers were being held up because windows was trying to analyse the file on the fly.
See here: here:
(caveat - this may be wild FUD/rumour)
jimhogan :
1) In 2008, unless you *must* do it to provide a transparent disk volume over 1TB to lots of people, I think any sort of parity-based RAID like RAID-5 is a bad idea. It only increases risk of heartbreak (unless of course you have nightly rsync and you really are not concerned about loss of your RAID5 disk system.)
I see an unexplained opinion that I interpret as "My personal risk analysis together with my wallet says that I can afford to buy more disks and more hardware rather than use a more complex but cost effective solution".
Remind me what the I in RAID stands for?

Other people would rather buy 4 1Tb disks to get 3Tb of storage than 6 1Tb disks - your cost/benefit may differ...