At work we've got several NetApp filers running RAID DP which are replicated to our 2nd site. Even so, we still snapshot and backup regularly.
Well, of course. Those pesky meteorites are RAID-agnostic.
Since they don't offer DP, EMC will tell you that NetApp' RAID-6 DP is a bad thing

I've had both EMC and NetApp and will say that, on balance, I'd pick NetApp next time. Part of it is that EMC as a company is just way too big. NetApp more focused, easier to navigate support resources. Same end result though: hard drive shows errors....replacement hard drive automatically shows up as if by magic. I checked last week and uptime on the Filer in my old department is 1035 days. Not bad.
When it is time to buy a new NAS in like 2010, I hope I can figure out how to use OpenFiler (or equivalent FOSS product) and achieve the same magical effect.