This outright SUCKS. I had arranged my time schedule so that a trip to Amersfoort would have been clearly possible (even my woman said it was ok for me to go even though she couldn't come herself due to work reasons). Then, guess what. I became ILL on Sunday.
I'm having a fever, flu, sore throat and a cough...what a perfect combination to ruin this week totally. I was supposed to finish the pending things (at work) this week so I could take the trip. Now it seems it's a no go since I'm still on sick leave and cannot go finish the stuff at work.
I'm a bit bummed about it, not that I was expecting too much (I was looking forward to having a couple of beers and something small to eat, just simple hanging out in the Netherlands), it would've been a perfect 'waste of kilometers and money'!
I guess the 'longest distance price' (the two year old Ferrari Modena, right?) goes to someone else this time...Atleast I get to sleep next to my luvly girlfriend at home so there'll be a lot of comfort for not going but I wish you guys will have warm weather and a great time there.