I just wanted to let everyone know the current status of my player, since I'm sure customer service is still high on people's minds of what to expect with the SonicBlue deal.

Anyhow, my player shipped out last Tuesday or Wednesday (sorry, I forgot which day it was) and they received it in the UK on Thursday (Daniel was nice enough to let me know. ). Today, Tuesday, I got an email saying that the problem was a bad fuse. (Translated from the techno jargon Mr. Moss said, "we found that a fuse for the display
power circuit was not performing to specification.") You say tomato(e)...

I also asked them to replace the handle with one of the newer ones with better paint, as well as an AR screen, seeing as how it was already in their capable hands. They did just that. The player's supposed to be heading back to me tomorrow. I'll let everyone know when I get it back and if there are any issues.

Rob... In regards to your "If the hard disks are working well enough for you to get the data off, we can do the same", I keep forgetting I'm not dealing with Compaq or someone else, who use recovery CD's and wipe the hard drive when they replace one motherboard with the exact same one!!!
