
My empeg has suddenly had this same display problem... it was fine when I unplugged it at my desk... I put it in its empeg carry bag and carried it to the car... then on plugging it into the car and turning on the ignition the boot logo came up and was very shaky and looped in parts... it looked like a monitor that was slightly at the wrong frequency... this continued through the rest of the boot... so I pulled it out of the dash and reinserted it... same problem... I thought it might be hot... so I left it out and nervously drove home... I tried it in the house on mains and the same problem...

The player seems fine apart from the display... that is I can see the visuals working (though scrambled) and the music sounds fine... also watching on the serial console the boot seems normal (just like every other boot I have watched...) and the player exits to the developer shell fine too...

I have emailed [email protected] and sent them a boot log (just in case) and I have opened the player up and couldn't find anything obviously wrong inside...

Arggh... things were going so well with it recently...

Is there anything I can do here without having to send it back to the UK... my player is well out of warranty now

