Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Just be glad you're not running Leopard on a PPC machine like my PowerBook. It's multiple weekly Mail and Safari crashes. Once every few weeks one of them can bring down the finder and even prevent the machine from restarting or shutting down properly.

Are you sure something deeper isn't wrong? I've been running Leopard since release at work on a Mac Mini. Initially it was an Intel Mini for 2 months, then I took the Time Machine drive and restored it to a PowerPC Mini where it continues to run. It even is an upgrade install of Leopard on top of Tiger. In that time, I can't say I have ever seen any crashes like you describe. And my main use of the box is Safari, Mail, Adium, Linkinus, Perforce, and TextWrangler. I'll check tomorrow for crash logs, but from my experience the apps to crash have been minor Adium issues.