Originally Posted By: hybrid8
You're not seeing Safari taking up memory and freeing up next to none of it (both real and virtual)? Maybe it's the pages I'm loading. I notice especially how any activity on one tab can completely bring the whole browser to a standstill with a spinning beach ball such that you can't do anything in any other part of the program.

I have had some issues with Safari like that, but generally only after leaving it open for more then a day, with a tab on a page that refreshes every 15 seconds. Memory is pretty tight on the Mini since it only has 1GB total, but restarting Safari once a day seems to ensure this is not a problem. Safari 2 had a definite noticeable memory issue with the refreshing page, and 3 did improve it a lot for me. And generally when Safari is getting fussy, it would only beachball for a bit if I opened a new tab to load a new site.
Originally Posted By: hybrid8
With Mail it's not anything specific from what I can tell. It can just crash while sitting there. It's done this since I first installed Leopard, though not on any type of regular schedule. Mail also takes longer in Leopard to show folder contents. Of course it can crash when I'm closing a message composition window, or even just switching folders.

I just checked my crash logs, and it looks like these go back to January of 08, around the time I restored using the image from the Intel Time Machine backup.

Apple Processes
1 crash in Finder
1 crash in iCal Helper
1 crash in Mail (with 3 bundles loaded, GrowlMail, Mailtags and Widemail)
10 crashes in ManagedClient
7 crashes in mdworker
1 crash in nmblookup
1 system panic in smbfs

3rd Party Processes
11 crashes in Adium
1 crash in GrowlHelper
5 crashes in LCCDaemon (Logitech)
4 crashes in Microsoft Sync Services
1 crash in P4V
2 crashes in Quicksilver
9 crashes in Remote Desktop Connection
1 crash in SynergyKM

For Mail, I use it many times a day, have 1.8gigs of e-mail across 2.5 years, and use 28 smart folders of various complexity to manage it. In addition to the one actual crash, I can recall a few times I've had to restart Mail from it being in a bad state, usually just spinning some thread in a loop talking to the Exchange server via IMAP. Never had it explode on me just by changing folders or composing mail.