Dude, whoever parked in that parking lot at Rice is screwed unless that's the absolute highest the water ever got. Once it touches the wires, you almost have to start over. You know the weirdest thing I saw during Katrina? When water gets to the computer in a car, all the lights come on. Underwater. Really strange stuff. Watching the storm pass by in the wee hours of the morning, watching the water in the parking lot behind the hotel I rode the storm out in, one by one the cars that were flooding were turning their lights on. By themselves. At 4 AM. It was like watching them die one at a time. Thankfully, mine was parked atop the airport parking garage. I got REALLY lucky. I drive a mustang, and everything around me was city trucks much larger. All 3 cars around me had all the glass shattered by those little rocks they put on roofs. My car was low enough, and facing the perfect direction, so that all the city trucks completely protected it. Nary a scratch. Had I parked it at home, where I had intended to, I'd be driving something different right now. It would have been under 3 feet of water where I park it.