Comparison shot of part of Galveston.

It sounds like even after today, rescue workers are still having a hard time checking up on everyone out on that island.

It's been interesting seeing the effects here in Austin. The overall storm did nothing to the area beyond trace amounts of rain, and a tiny bit of wind Saturday morning. Beyond that, about the only sign of something having happened down the road is the increased traffic, and back on Friday night, semi after semi labeled "First Responders" heading towards Houston. Currently, all the highway signs advise against traveling to Houston, as gas supply is a problem. Quite a few people are getting stuck on they way back due to gas stations either being empty from the evacuation, or still closed down.

Sometime later in the week I'll be entertaining an evacuee along with someone else to give them something to do while they wait to go back home.

Good luck with the recovery Dan, thankfully it doesn't look like you have a ton to worry about.