Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I'd tend to agree with all of that, but I want to also point out the one prominent thing that you basically can't do with Linux: play modern commercial computer games. Thus the moniker "Wintendo" that some people use for Windows systems.

Oh, and both Windows and MacOS have far more universal GUI homogeneity. That is, they tend to have programs that all look like they were made to look similar to each other. Linux is much more of a mish-mash in this category. But it's a totally aesthetic point.

I wouldn't disagree that Linux apps are a mish-mash what with the GIMPs of the world, but I think the effect is amplified by the number of doo-dad programs that get delivered by default.

Having recently had to deal with a whole slew of vendor-provided and small-3rd-party and shareware Windows programs, I don't think things are much prettier in Windows land. D-Link and Logitech camera configurators, sensor monitors, smart lock/iButton programmers and more. What an impenetrable CUAgmire.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.