And there are many people who hate (or at least dislike Palm) as evidenced by their poor performance over the past few years. Plus, there are other products besodes the iPhone out there and more coming. Those are the only ones Palm should be concentrating on competing with.
The ATT deal won't last forever. The initial deal will be over in about 3.5 years if the reported term of "5" was/is correct.
I see a lot of people banking on the iPhone's development to remain static. I can't believe it, but one of the bigger features I've seen talked about the Pre is that it has "cut and paste" - oh boy.
I don't have anything vested in the iPhone. I think there's a lot Apple has done wrong with it and a lot they're still doing wrong - as per my own desires. As far as the market in general goes and "everyman," I think they've been doing extremely well in balancing what the device is and does and what it should or shouldn't offer to joe sixpack. They've (obviously) done exceptionally well at marketing it as well. I don't think Palm will be able to execute on any of these fronts at all. No matter how much glazing is currently present in the media's eye (which i still can't understand), the public won't buy into it.
I'm still amazed Palm's CEO can state they have a better product than the iPhone when all they have to show is the Pre. That's not confidence, that's complete denial and delusion. If they can convince an unsuspecting populace, they might get some sales. But the device is about as underwhelming as they come. it's something I would have expected from Sky Dayton and Helios.
I don't expect the Pre to generate any buzz or response within Apple. I don't expect Nokia are worried nor do I expect Google to give a care. Palm can rest knowing they beat Apple's Newton with their Pilot, but this isn't the mid nineties anymore.