i found this:
NAME ACTION=================================================================
KOff the OFF button (convex circle)
KSource the SOURCE button (inset, on end of stalk)
KAtt the ATT button (concave circle, with dimple)
KFront no label (larger trapezoid)
KNext clockwise rotation of SEEK/AMS collar
KPrev anti-clockwise rotation of SEEK/AMS collar
KVolUp clockwise rotation of PRESET/DISC/VOL collar
KVolDown anti-clockwise rotation of PRESET/DISC/VOL collar
KRear no label (rear, smaller trapezoid, with dash [--])
KBottom no label (bottom, smooth rectangle)
KSOff SHIFT + the OFF button (convex circle)
KSSource SHIFT + the SOURCE button (inset, on end of stalk)
KSAtt SHIFT + the ATT button (concave circle, with dimple)
KSFront SHIFT + no label (larger trapezoid)
KSNext SHIFT + clockwise rotation of SEEK/AMS collar
KSPrev SHIFT + anti-clockwise rotation of SEEK/AMS collar
KSVolUp SHIFT + clockwise rotation of PRESET/DISC/VOL collar
KSVolDown SHIFT + anti-clockwise rotation of PRESET/DISC/VOL collar
KSRear SHIFT + no label (rear, smaller trapezoid, with dash [--])
KSBottom SHIFT + no label (bottom, smooth rectangle)* * * * * * * * * * * *

but how do i use the "stalk" to navigate? i dont see a menu option etc...

i ask this because i have thoughts about getting a sony "stalk"

the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive