If you think $80 (or whatever) is too much then do it yourself. Some people do not have the knowledge, interest or skills to prepare their taxes.

I have a friend that is PC illiterate and frankly not that bright about taxes. He goes every year and pays whatever to get his taxes done. He is happy as can be every year.

If you don’t want, or need their service fine. But don’t enter into a contract with someone to do your taxes for you with no intention of paying them.

To your trunk point – You have gone to the repair place and entered into a contract with them to fix your trunk better than how you fixed it. If they do NOT follow up with that contract they are in breach, or if you were not clear on the fact that you wanted it fixed better, then there was not contract or meeting of the minds. If they just plain do a crap ass job and guaranteed their work you get your money back.. A crap ass job is what the tax services are guaranteeing against. If they do a crap ass job, and you don’t like what they have done, or you know you could get more $ back, then walk away. They are NOT guaranteeing that you could do the same job or that it’s cloudy outside so you can take their knowledge and leave.

It all boils down to paying someone when they provide you a service or item. Not tricking them into providing you with their knowledge while wasting their time and resources.

It’s pretty simple. Pay someone for what they do for you. Creating a satisfactory tax return is what they provide.