Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: Redrum
tricking them into providing you with their knowledge

In this instance, their knowledge is worthless. Literally. You can get the exact same service for free, and that's what we're comparing against. If your friend doesn't have the requisite computer skills or the requisite reading comprehension skills to do his own simple tax return, then their service is worth it for him. For the rest of us, it is not worth it, and they advertise their services as if laymen couldn't do it as well. (When, in fact, I'm sure, they hire laymen during tax season to do all the simple returns and give them virtually no training.) .

This conversation started with mrtech’s post. He indicated that he has them do his taxes so he can find “the answer” which is how much he gets back. He also takes note of what they are asking so he can do his taxes likewise. He is using their knowledge to see if he can get the right answer. If you can not see this is stealing their knowledge I don’t’ know what to tell you. Just because you can get the answer elsewhere for free does not mean their service is unsatisfactory. If you contract with someone to give you the answer, and they give you the answer, you will be lying when you tell them you are not satisfied.

Originally Posted By: wfaulk
[And your argument about the contract is specious. Part of their contract is that if you're not satisfied, you don't pay. I don't see how you can argue that exercising a provision of their contract is in violation of their contract. .

You can say you are not satisfied with the outcome. While the entire time be satisfied with what you got for nothing (how much you got back) and lie so you don’t have to pay. Large companies and the rich are accused of using “Part of their contract” or loopholes to evade paying taxes. While not illegal (when done correctly) most people find this dishonest and distasteful. So if you have no moral regret for having someone provide you a service while the entire time never intending to pay, go for it. It’s a large company they can just pass the cost of the time wasted on to my friend. No one gets hurt and you get something for nothing. Just don’t bitch when Shell Oil finds every loop hole under the sun and then pays no taxes.

I know lots of people that pay for things they can do themselves for free (paint their house, wash their car. etc…). I don’t know how you can come to the conclusion that when someone does you a service that you can do for free it’s unsatisfactory.