I did love this bit of the interview:
"Palm’s newer operating system will give it an edge, McNamee said. The underlying technology for Research In Motion Ltd.’s BlackBerry is about 13 years old, while the technology behind the iPhone goes back almost nine years, he said."
Ooooooohkay, so by those standards (picking when an OS with pretty much the same name first shipped) the Pre's linux kernel dates from... uhhh... 1991. 18 years old. And actually, if we leave aside the BSD origins, OSX goes back to 1987ish and NEXTstep - much older than his claim.
It's hard to claim that any unix-based system is a fresh take on OS design... sigh. I mean, if you're gonna make sweeping generalisations, try not to make too much of a fool of yourself unless you have a hairstyle to match.
Ah. He does
