To be fair, there is also a countersuit filed by the ACLU against the prosecutor in this particular case. The law is rather obtuse anyway. For a while I could have charged my girlfriend for having sex with me. She was a legal adult, while I was not (six months apart). Two 14 year olds can have all the sex they want, but when the hit that magic 18 year mark they'd better be careful. The now legal adult can get in trouble for having sex with their s/o until they both turn 18. Statutory rape doesn't care what the difference in age or maturity is, only that one partner crossed a magic invisible line.

Not to add fuel to the fire, but several years ago there was a case involving sex between a 13 year old girl and a 12 year old boy. The girl was, in the same lawsuit, both a victim of sexual abuse and in the same act a sexual predator. It was eventually thrown out, but it took 3 courts to do so.

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