I wonder if things will ever be balanced out.
Not likely. We're a nation of extremists.
We're not the only ones. I remember reading of an event 20 years ago (or thereabouts) when a fellow who bought a used pickup truck tried to cross the border from Alaska into Yukon Territory, Canada. Apparently the original owner of the truck had smoked marijuana in the truck, and apparently the border guards, either out of boredom or out of super-zealousness, decided that the new owner was some kind of drug runner or something. For whatever reason, they went over the truck with a fine tooth comb, and boy, call out the Mounties, they found two tiny, cauterized marijuana seeds mixed in with the cigarette ashes in the ashtray. They arrested the man, and confiscated his truck (he never got it back). Now,
that is extremist. Ironically, today there seems to be some question about whether marijuana is now illegal in Canada - opinion seems to be divided on the issue.