A seemingly sensible judge has barred the district attorney in the recent Pennsylvania case from filing felony charges: (...) Whatever the girls did, the acts of the district and prosecutor are the real crimes.
Agreed. It's good to see that they're fighting back and that at least one Judge is on their side. Clearly this is a group of Fundie adults who are deathly afraid of teen sexuality, and panic at the thought that their children might actually be sexual creatures. Oh, God forbid that teenagers would want to actually *do* something about their hormonal urges.
Seriously, show of hands, how many people on this board could easily have been prosecuted for statutory when they were teens, based on your state's laws? (*Rasies hand* - My 17-year old girlfriend moved in with me, with Mom's permission, when I was 18... According to California law, we were committing a misdemeanor.)
The sad thing is: it appears as though the judge in this case is going by the fact that the girls weren't actually naked in the photos (they were wearing bras). That makes it quite easy: Throw out the case, restrain the prosecutor, tell him to go bark up another tree. Yeah. But what if they *had* been naked? Then the legal side of it would have been much thornier. I would hope the judge would have behaved the same way, but I fear that he wouldn't have. Even though the reality of the situation would have been the same, bras or no bras.
I hope this case sets precedents that make it less criminal to have teenage hormones.