Originally Posted By: Dignan
the personal account has a limit to 5 receipts a year, and $500 in a month (which makes it useless for Bitt and I, since he needs to send money for shipping too).

That's not quite true:

Originally Posted By: PayPal
Receiving limits apply only to the following payment types: eBay Items, Auction Goods (non-eBay), and other Goods. No other payment types affect your receiving limit.

So as long as the sender clicks "Cash Advance" (and, maybe, "Services/Other" — it would be nice if their documentation's terms matched their application's) on the "Send Money" page, a personal account can apparently receive an unlimited amount of money. Of course, if the backing funds are a credit card instead of a bank account, you get the credit card's higher cash advance interest rates. (Not a problem for our current issue.)

And the 5-a-year thing is only for accepting credit card payments, and, even then, I think that doesn't apply when the sender is a PayPal member who happens to back his account with a credit card.

Edited by wfaulk (07/04/2009 20:31)
Edit Reason: 5 limit
Bitt Faulk