Well, I've pretty much settled on what I need for remote Windows admin now, and it's really pretty basic:


I decided to get rid of freeSSHd. It bothers the user frequently. It's always trying to contact the freeSSHd site and generating a popup (not just a balloon notice) when it can't. I wanted it to be virtually invisible to the user, and it's just not.

However, it turns out that psexec handles anything I really need to do along those lines, including running an interactive cmd.exe shell. I haven't tried running PowerShell via psexec, but with cmd.exe's pushd to easily get to UNC shares, I don't really need to. Also, drive letters mapped with pushd don't show up for the console user, and seem to get automatically unmapped when I exit the shell, so it's really no more difficult than using PowerShell's native UNC support.

I still have PowerShell installed, though. No reason to get rid of it. And I still have "wscript -regserver" enabled, though I haven't used it since I got psexec running.

I never got around to installing WPKG. It needs silent installers anyway, and I can batch those using psexec and its "@" syntax pretty easily. Its only advantage is that systems need not be online right when I want to do the upgrade.

My first real test of this was when I uninstalled freeSSHd from the computers I had installed it on. Once I figured out how to do a silent uninstall, it went swimmingly.

My only remaining problem is with VNC. For some reason, some of my users prefer the RealVNC client. I don't know why, but they're welcome to install pretty much what they want, but they end up installing the server part of the other VNC distributions and it always ends up treading on my UltraVNC server. I'm thinking of just preinstalling other VNC clients so that they won't won't install their own "incorrectly".
Bitt Faulk