I thought I'd give a report of my results.

Bruno, I actually followed a different procedure when it came to moving the library, and did all of it in iTunes. I did it this way because, as you alluded to in your instructions, the music on her computer was not all under the iTunes folder's hierarchy, but were in several different places on the machine, making it impossible to have the same relative locations on the shared drive. Here are the steps I took:

- went into advanced options in iTunes
- changed the library location to the folder I wanted on the shared drive
- checked the box next to "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library"
- then I went to file > library > consolidate library

And after a couple hours, all the files that iTunes had links to were now copied onto the one NAS folder. It worked really well.

But then the awkward part came. Not only was I trying to move the library and share it, I was also replacing my wife's computer. What the above procedure doesn't mention is that the actual library files don't get transferred to your NAS, they stay where they always were, in the My Music\iTunes folder.

Fortunately, this didn't turn out to be a difficult thing at all. As long as the NAS is on the same drive letter on both PCs, the library files can be put anywhere. So I put them on the NAS manually, and just pointed the new computer to it and everything worked just fine. All the playlists were there and everything.

Then, just as you said Bruno, I pointed iTunes on my own computer to the library on the NAS, and there you have it, two computers sharing one library! I'm able to add music on my computer and it shows up on both.

The only thing I'm worried about at this point is whether both instances of iTunes can be open at the same time, and what would happen if I added music using either machine with both open. Fortunately there's never a reason that needs to happen, but it might accidentally if one of us forgets to close it on our computer.

Anyway, thanks for the advice guys. I can report that it's working great, even though I'm not a big fan of iTunes. And now I need to go and shut down all those damn services that iTunes sets up, since I don't have an iPod and don't want one. Ugh.