Originally Posted By: andy
Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Classy. Even if it was aligned properly, why would it not just fall free? Is it a no-name enclosure?

It wouldn't fall free, it is fair securely clamped on once you attach it.

It is an IcyBox enclosure, so very nearly "no name"...

I've never been a fan of the IcyBox enclosures, one of our 'ex' engineers managed to convince one of the producers that instead of buying name brand external drives, she should let him source bare drives and IcyBox enclosures for a personal project despite my protestations.

She bought 4 and by the end of the first week 3 of them had failed the soak test he'd left them on. One of the boxes killed the drive inside it in the process.

Nowadays, I insist on Lacie, Seagate or G-Technology/Fabrik enclosures.

Andy M