Is that what M$ spends our $$$ at ? Research into wether or not the people who believe in Area 51 are the same people who spell MS with a "$" ?

It's obvious you are too busy laughing at people (the same people you want to sell your products to) to actually care about their opinion. It's also obvious you are too brainwashed to even be able to venture an objective opinion. Are you really so surprised that people substitute the S in MS for a $ sign considering the size and total value of Microsoft. All of which is revenue made from computer users worldwide (the same people you are now laughing at, yes I have paid for my Microsoft licenses even though I have now moved on) who lately have started to feel like nothing more then milking cows. Not only by Microsoft mind you.

Now I do not want to turn this into a grudge match on this board. Quite frankly, I don't even feel it is worth it. I just do not appreciate the tone of your post for I too have lately (for a long time even) started to write MS with a $ instead of an S.


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