The one thing I know will always cause my system to lock up is flash video.
Does it ever lock up if you NEVER use Adobe Flash software ?
I believe it has. When it does other things like running pyTivo to transcode video for my Tivo. But good point, I'll try to make it fail by doing other things.
Harumph...I just updated the BIOS, and now I can't figure out why it's lowered the speed of the RAM to 1066.
DDR3-1066 is the maximum official speed for the memory controller in the current i7s. You need to tell it that you want DDR3-1333 or DDR3-1600.
What do I need to do to change that? This BIOS looks different from others I've seen, so I don't know my way around. Of course, for overclocking I wouldn't know my way around anyway. I've never overclocked before, though I want to do a little of it with this computer. I have a cooler that can take the heat. Hopefully I have a PSU that can take the power consumption