Originally Posted By: Dignan
Bruno, who did your site? Did you?

Yeah, I did. Design, all the graphics and all the markup. Also most of the PHP for the cart and contact pages. I've had a re-design sitting on the back-burner for over a year now too. I'd really like to get it converted into some type of CMS as well, so that's one of the reasons I've been putting it off (learning curve even for something as "simple" as WordPress). It's something I sometimes enjoy doing, but not what I'm into to a high enough degree to do it as my primary job. Right now I'm supposed to be working on a site for a friend's dad. I hope to be finished that in a couple of weeks thanks to being able to re-use a lot of code and markup I've previously written.

The Chamber of Commerce route was really good for the wife of an acquaintance of my wife's who had a web design business. She got out to a lot of the social events and really involved in that community. From there I know she got a lot of word-of-mouth references and repeat clients. One thing to remember is these business owners may be the types of people that others (in their respective circles) will go to for advice and recommendations. Networking in this way is really important for a local (hands-on) business where you'll have to be visiting your clients.
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