I think the theme for this year's schedule is "CSI" - CBS should in fact rename the network, because pretty much the only thing they have on the air other than CSI is "How I Met Your Mother" and the new sitcom that follows it. I mean, did NCIS need a spin-off? Really? Though I'm not knocking NCIS, I just don't think a network needs 5 or more shows with such a similar premise.

Now we have ABC trying their hand at their own CSI with the Forgotten. Just started watching a recorded episode from earlier tonight. 23 minutes in and I'm utterly unimpressed. Pretentious, stiff acting that sounds like the characters are delivering a speech and lighting that's just too creative and moody to be believable. Those same faults can be applied to all three CSI shows as well, but they still seem to pull it off. Too many derivative elements of Without a Trace, Cold Case and one or two more shows. Totally forgettable, bad script from top to bottom makes even the poor dialogue seem like Shakespeare.

Looks like it's going to be Dexter and Californication on top again this season. I caught yesterday's Heros season premiere. Wow, talk about stretched and contrived. Unless they have some amazing magic trick to pull, this year looks like it'll be its last. I can't even imagine it going the full season off that premiere.

I'm still watching Fringe on network. I have fears they're going to get more "X-FIles" though (wasn't terribly impressed by the premiere). They even mentioned the FBI's X files within the frame of a senate hearing in the season premiere. Fingers crossed it doesn't go to crap.

Maybe NBC knew what it was doing when it put Leno on five nights per week.
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