Just saw Dollhouse and Heroes. Dollhouse is still on the same tact as last season, setting up Echo as a harbinger of something or other big to come. You can already predict the end of the season, when her present employer self-destructs and she busts out and does her own thing. (The guest role for another Battlestar Galactica actor was nice, though.)

Heroes, sans spoilers, was really strange. They set up a whole lot of different threads, which means they're going to have an awfully difficult time keeping them all straight. As with prior seasons, though, it's difficult to have a lot of sympathy for any of the characters, nor to really buy into half of the premises behind why the characters are doing what they're doing.

Gaaah. I wish TV fiction was sufficiently self-consistent that you didn't have to put your sense of reason on hiatus to enjoy it. (Or, conversely, I wish TV fiction was sufficiently strange and twisted that I could just let go and enjoy the ride, as with the Pythons, among others.)