Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I'm still watching Fringe on network. I have fears they're going to get more "X-FIles" though (wasn't terribly impressed by the premiere). They even mentioned the FBI's X files within the frame of a senate hearing in the season premiere. Fingers crossed it doesn't go to crap.

I'm pretty sure they even nodded to the X-Files in the first 5 minutes of the premiere. Feel free to correct me, anyone, but wasn't the TV in the man's apartment playing the X-Files on it?

Personally, I don't mind the X-Files elements of the show one bit. You seem to be forgetting what made the X-Files fail in the end, which was a general lack of cohesiveness and a clear "make it up as you go" philosophy. It's obvious that Chris Carter had no idea where the show would end up. The only reason it ran so long is because the show was so good in the beginning, seemed like it had direction, and was so different from anything on TV at the time.

Heroes, on the other hand, clearly has the same problem of aimlessness. I'm starting to think that the showrunners merely thought that they could throw a lot of cool comic book stuff on the screen, and if they didn't plan a definite story arc, they could keep the show meandering into repeated moneymaking seasons. Obviously that's not the case, and the ratings show it.

Ironically, though, I watched the premiere of Heroes. Yeah, I know, I said I'd quit the show, but after hearing all this stuff about how they were going to change everything I checked it out. Honestly? I was surprised that they were capable of making two cohesive hours of TV in a row. I'm sure that by episode two they'll directly conflict with something they did in episode one, but for now I'm cautiously optimistic. Maybe it's because I like the actor with the earth/tattoo powers. I liked him a lot on Carnivale (never watched Prison Break).

I can't remember, does anyone else here watch Castle? Clearly I started watching it because of Nathan Fillion (who I've liked in every single thing I've seen him in). The show is pretty generic overall, but he really gives it that extra something over the other dull police procedurals.