Originally Posted By: DWallach
Originally Posted By: Dignan
The last time I was there, I used my wife's iPhone with the "Remote" app, and was able to completely control the AppleTV from two floors up. Very cool. Sadly, there isn't any such product for Android.

Actually, come to think of it I believe there are one or two apps for controlling iTunes. Sorry to mislead. Nothing for AppleTV yet, though.

I assume you've already bumped into the Android DACP client. It's open-source and all that, and appears roughly equivalent to Apple's Remote app. I've been pondering a jump from my iPhone to Android, given the potential coolness of the new Googlephone, and this was one of the required features for me.

I believe I tried out a very early-on version of that app (like, a little over a year ago when I first got my G1). It didn't work too well then, but I'm sure it's better by now. I can test it out if you like.

Unfortunately it doesn't do what I need. I don't need to control an iTunes installation, I need to control an AppleTV, which none of the Android remote apps seem to do.