When I first saw 11 I immediately thought Tina Turner. Until I saw 10 which immediately ruled it out. Then I thought Bonnie Tyler.
I'd love to see a higher resolution colour image. Have any links?
I'm not seeing Morrissey in #28. I can see why someone might think that with a little bit of pompadour happening, but the pose isn't expressive nor flamboyant enough. #18 is a more Morrissey-like pose, but too bad about the guitar.
#21 can pretty much only be Robert Smith.
#30 and 31, definitely not OMD. That would not be the appropriate image to use. OMD would most definitely feature a keyboard in the image. Besides it wasn't (isn't) a duo.
Damn, the list has so many that are super-obvious and then that mix of complete mysteries. Not well balanced.